Hi Akivab, thank you for answering my question.
Regarding the cascading events, I was thinking about RabbitMQ, but if you see more benefits in using Kafka, I'm glad to know!
The fact that we are not able to create foreign keys between different databases, was somewhat predictable to me, but I thought that I might missed something. I couldn't really figure out how to do it instead...
What I came up with: the user can verify it's JWT token against the Auth-service, the JWT token stores the userID. If the authentication is ok, the user can fetch the data with the userID from it's JWT.
If the user want to create a new ToDo, it follows the same process. A ToDo can hold a userID field, which is taken from the JWT during the creation of the ToDo.
Is this a more "correct" way of doing it, or am I thinking in a wrong direction?